

1. speak up – 大声说出来,发表意见或建议

例句:Don't be afraid to speak up if you have any questions during the lecture.(如果你在讲座期间有任何问题,请毫不犹豫地提出来。)

2. speak out – 公开发表意见或批评

例句:The famous actress decided to speak out against the discrimination she faced in the industry.(这位著名女演员决定公开发表她在业界所遭受的歧视。)

3. speak one's mind – 直言不讳,坦率地说出自己的想法

例句:I appreciate it when people speak their mind instead of just agreeing with everything I say.(我喜欢那些直言不讳、不仅仅是赞同我所说的一切的人。)

4. speak of the devil – 说曹操,曹操就到

例句:Speak of the devil, I was just talking about you!(说曹操,曹操就到,我刚才还在谈论你呢!)

5. speak volumes – 说明问题很清楚,具有很大的意义

例句:The fact that he showed up to help us without being asked speaks volumes about his character.(他主动前来帮助我们而没有被要求,这说明了他的品格有多么高尚。)

6. speak for oneself – 只代表自己,不代表别人

例句:I can only speak for myself, but I think we should postpone the meeting until next week.(我只能代表我自己,但我认为我们应该把会议推迟到下周。)

7. speak in tongues – 说方言,说神语

例句:Some people believe that speaking in tongues is a sign of being possessed by the Holy Spirit.(有些人认为说方言是被圣灵附体的迹象。)

8. speak out of turn – 失言,说错话

例句:I'm sorry for speaking out of turn earlier, I didn't mean to offend anyone.(我之前失言了,对不起,我没有想要冒犯任何人。)

9. speak the same language – 意见一致,达成共识

例句:It's important that we all speak the same language when it comes to our company's goals and objectives.(当涉及到公司的目标和目的时,我们都达成共识是很重要的。)

10. speak in riddles – 说话含糊不清,讲话充满谜语

例句:I wish he would stop speaking in riddles and just tell us what he means.(我希望他停止说话含糊不清,直接告诉我们他的意思。)

11. speak one's piece – 表达自己的意见或观点

例句:I'll give you a chance to speak your piece before I make my final decision.(在我做出最终决定之前,我会给你一个表达自己意见的机会。)

12. speak for itself – 事实说明一切

例句:The quality of our products speaks for itself.(我们产品的质量说明一切。)

13. speak with a forked tongue – 说话不诚实,口是心非

例句:I don't trust him, I think he speaks with a forked tongue.(我不信任他,我认为他说话不诚实。)

14. speak to the devil – 想到谁就来了谁

例句:I was just speaking to the devil, and here you are!(我刚才在想到你,你就来了!)

15. speak your language – 用自己的方式表达自己的思想或感情

例句:Don't worry about using fancy words, just speak your language and I'll understand you.(不用担心使用花哨的词汇,只要用自己的方式表达自己的思想或感情,我就能理解你。)

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