
本文课文:金融英语教程Unit 11

Background Knowledge

The use of barter-like methods may date back to at least 100,000 years ago, though there is no evidence of a society or economy that relied primarily on barter.


1,200 BC: Cowrie Shells 贝币


The first use of cowries was in China.The cowrie is the most widely and longest used currency in history.


Paper money 纸币



The system of commodity money eventually evolved into a system of representative money. This occurred because gold and silver merchants or banks would issue receipts to their depositors –redeemable for the commodity money deposited. Eventually, these receipts became generally accepted as a means of payment and were used as money. Paper money or banknotes were first used in China during the Song dynasty. These banknotes, known as "jiaozi", evolved from promissory notes that had been used since the 7th century.


The international monetary system (国际货币体系

The framework within which countries borrow, lend, buy, sell and make payments across political borders. So far the world has gone through the following


types of monetary system货币体系类型:

(1)The gold standard 金本位制

(2)The gold exchange standard 金汇兑本位制

(3)Floating/fixed or pegged exchange rate system 浮动/固定或挂钩汇兑制

The definition of money

Money is any commodity or token that is generally acceptable as a means of payment for goods and services.


token 象征: sth. serving as an indication, a proof, or an expression of sth. else. sign, symbol


The Function of Money

? Medium of exchange 交换媒介(eg.You should pay $500 to get something你应该花500美元买某东西)

? Unit of account 记账单位 (eg.You should pay $500 to get something)

? Store of value 价值存储 (eg.You can deposit $500 when you don’t need them sometimes你不需要的时候可以存500美元)

? Standard of deferred payment 延期付款标准(eg.You should repay a certain amount of money after you borrow $500 from a bank.从银行借了500美元后,你应该偿还一定数额的钱。)

1.The occurrence of a double coincidence of wants is sufficiently rare that barter exchange would leave potential gains from specialization and exchange unrealized. (Para. 1, P102)


2.Money guarantees that there is always a double coincidence of wants. People with something to sell will always accept money in exchange for it, and people who want to buy will always offer money. Money acts as a lubricant that smooths the mechanism of exchange. It lowers the costs of making transactions. (Para. 2, P102)


3.An agreed measure for stating the prices of goods and services is a unit of account.

To get the most out of your budget, you have to figure out, among other things, whether seeing one more movie is worth the price you have to pay, not in dollars and cents, but in terms of the number of ice cream cones, sodas, and cups of coffee that you have to give up. (Last para., P102)



among other things 等等: in addition to things that are not specifically mentioned

e.g. In March street protesters called for privatisation and deregulation, among other things.3月,街头抗议者呼吁私有化和放松管制等。

4.There are no stores of value that are completely safe. The value of a physical object such as a house, a car, or a work of art fluctuates over time. The value of a commodity or token used as money also fluctuates, and when there is inflation, its value persistently falls. (Para. 2, P103)


5.Using money as a standard of deferred payment is not entirely without risk because, inflation leads to unpredictable changes in the value of money.


But, to the extent that borrowers and lenders anticipate inflation, its rate is reflected in the interest rates paid and received. Lenders in effect protect themselves by charging a higher interest rate, and borrowers, anticipating inflation, willingly pay the higher rate. (Para. 3, P103)


Different Forms of Money

? Commodity money商品货币

? Convertible paper money可兑换纸币

? Fiat money法币

? Private debt money私人债务货币

1.Commodity money 商品货币

(1)Definition:a physical commodity that is valued in its own right and also used as a means of payment


*in one’s own right 凭自己、本身: by means of one’s own ability,ownership, etc.

? e.g. As Europeans explored deeper into the continent in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, tobacco became an article of trade and currency in its own right.十八世纪和十九世纪,随着欧洲人对欧洲大陆的深入探索,烟草本身就成为了一种贸易和货币

(2)Advantages 优点:

? its value as money is readily known 其货币价值是众所周知的

? their quality is easily verified 其质量易于验证

? they are easily divisible into small units 它们很容易被分割成小单位

(3)Disadvantages 缺点:

? there is constant temptation to cheat on the value—clipping/debasement 在价值削减/贬值方面不断存在作弊的诱惑

? it has opportunity cost 有机会成本

2.Convertible Paper Money 可兑换纸币

(1)When a paper claim to a commodity circulates as a means of payment, that claim is called convertible money.


? Goldsmiths 金匠

? Gold receipt 黄金收据

? Fractional reserve banking 部分准备金银行业务(拓展见后:比例制银行业务)

3.Fiat Money 法币

Fiat money or fiat currency, usually paper money, is a type of currency whose only value is that a government made a fiat that the money is a legal method of exchange.


Unlike commodity money, it is not based on another commodity such as gold.


Fiat money issued by government is now legal tender in all modern national economies since the collapse of the Bretton Woods regime of fixed exchange rates liked to a gold-backed dollar in 1971.


e.g. The bills and coins that we use today: the paper with special watermark, printed in colored ink.


4.Private debt money 私人债务货币

IOU (I owe you)借据、欠条

putting down these letters on a piece of paper with figures of a specified sum of money owed to others and signing the name and date, then a simple liability confirmation sheet iscomposed.


It is kept by the creditor as attestation of the liability thatcan be presented in court as proof.




Gresham’s Law (格雷欣法则劣币驱逐良币)

It refers to the tendency for bad money to drive good money out of circulation.


The law was first proposed by Sir Thomas Gresham, who was at that time the adviser of Queen Elizabeth I. According to his views of bad money driving out good money expressed in 1558, when the public feel doubtful about some parts of the money supply, they will hoard the good money and try to transfer the bad money to others.


*When the value of the metal in a coin is less than the buying power of the coin, the coin is said to be debased.


Henry VIII debased the coinage of England as a means of raising revenue.


In Ireland the debasement started earlier, in 1536, and did not finish until 1560.


**Language in use

WSJ.–Yet Mr. Zhou's words are also a warning that reserve currency status carries special obligations. It means the U.S. isn't conducting monetary policy only for itself but for much of the world. And it means that when the U.S. falls for the temptation to debase its currency, it sends shocks through the entire global trading system. The dollar's sharp but needless gyrations during this decade are in our view one of the major causes of the housing and commodity asset bubbles that led to the financial panic and global recession


Fractional banking(比例制银行业务)

It refers to the banking system in which it is required to keep a specified ratio between all bank deposit and cash. This requirement is good to the safety and liquidity of the banking system.


Fractional reserve banking 部分准备金体系

Nowadays Central banks generally mandate reserve requirements that require banks to keep a minimum fraction of their demand deposits as cash reserves. This both limits the amount of money creation that occurs in the commercial banking system, and ensures that banks have enough ready cash to meet normal demand for withdrawals. Problems can arise however, when depositors seek withdrawal of a large proportion of deposits at the same time; this can cause a bank run or, when problems are extreme and widespread, a systemic crisis. To mitigate these problems, central banks (or other government institutions) generally regulate and oversee commercial banks, act as lender of last resort to commercial banks, and also insure the deposits of the commercial banks’ customers.

The PBOC uses multiple methods to control money supply and interest rates:


the reserve requirement ratio 存款准备金率

rediscount rate 再贴现率

open market operations 公开市场操作

benchmark interest rates 基准利率

various types of PBOC loans to commercial banks 中国人民银行向商业银行发放的各类贷款



  1. name of money

? Money in notes and coins is called _______.

? The dollar, the Euro and the yen are all ___________.

? Money borrowed from a bank is a ___________.

? Borrowed money that has to be paid back constitutes a ________.

? All the money received by a person or a company is known as ______.

? The money earned for a week’s manual work is called________

? Money paid for a month’s work is a ____.

? Money placed in banks and other savings institution constitutes______.

? Money paid by the government or a company to retired person is a _____.

? The money that will ultimately be used to pay pensions is kept in a ______.

? The money needed to start a company is called _____.

? The money paid to lawyers, architects, private schools, etc. is called ______

? Regular part payments of debts are called _____.

? Part of a payment that is officially given back is called _____.

? Estimated expenditure and income is written in a ______.

? A person’s money in a business is known as his or her_______.

? Money given to producers to allow them to sell cheaply is called a _____.

  1. translation Practice

? 1、 防范跨境资本流动风险,保持人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上基本稳定,维护国际收支基本平衡,坚决守住不发生系统性金融风险底线,维护外汇市场稳定和国家经济金融安全。

2、 积极的财政政策的重要内涵之一就是要适度加大支出强度。适当提高财政赤字率、发行特别国债、增加专项债券规模等措施,将为经济发展注入强大动力。

3、 2022年上半年,我国经常账户顺差1664亿美元,同比增长43%,与国内生产总值比值为1.9%,仍处于合理均衡水平。

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